Hertling News-Blog

"As far as I know, this will happen immediately, without delay!"

With these words, spoken by the SED Politburo member Günter Schabowski in an evening press conference on November 9th, 1989 on the validity of the new GDR travel law, which finally made it possible for every citizen to travel via the border crossing points of the GDR, the wall literally fell.

That same night, 33 years ago today, thousands of GDR citizens set out to test the new freedom to travel, in order to finally celebrate this historic moment with thousands of people in the West late into the night.

In the picture you can see our Hertling truck, which transported the equipment of the journalists from Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) to the Brandenburg Gate during the night, so that this historic event and the heart-rending moments at the Berlin Wall could be reported live.

Our moving company was founded in 1865 in Charlottenburg near Berlin. Because of the political tensions, we opened our branch in Frankfurt am Main in 1961, before the Berlin Wall was built. When the Wall came down, we were able to open our branch in Kruge near Eberswalde in the new federal state of Brandenburg in 1991. Our moving company is closely linked to the history and the people of our country. Freedom and peace were and are the basis for the continued existence of our family business.

"As far as I know, this will happen immediately, without delay!"