Hertling News-Blog

Moving with Hertling-Umzüge throughout Europe!

During the long summer vacation, many people move with their families. For professional reasons, many of our customers are sent abroad and use the holiday season to move. Especially if there are still school-age children in the household, so that the start at school at the new center of life can be well organized. Many of our moving customers move within Germany. However, diplomats, soldiers and also employees of internationally active companies in particular use the Hertling relocation service for moving overseas or as part of an import from overseas back to Germany. In addition, our moving company also carries out removal transports with our own trucks within Europe. We were recently in Norway to move a diplomat to Berlin with the entire family household. We also recently moved diplomats to the capital of France, Paris and of Hungary, Budapest. Our removal teams will soon be carrying out further moves for diplomats to Switzerland, near Bern, and to the capital of Spain, Madrid. Ole!!!

Hertling truck in Norway
Hertling Lkw in Paris