Hertling News-Blog

Occasion of the Business Day

On the occasion of the Business Day initiated by the Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt GmbH, we welcomed a delegation consisting of representatives of the city adminstration of Frankfurt am Main, the Economic Development Agency, the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a number of companies from the Nieder-Eschbach industrial park to our branch last week.

One of our managing directors came from Berlin especially for this occasion, to receive the visit together with the branch management and to show it through the branch of our moving company.

Many of the participants were not even aware that HERTLING was founded in Frankfurt in 1961 and what range of moving services the moving company HERTLING provides for customers.

We were pleased to have gotten to (better) know the following companies, thanks to the business development initiative: KVB Beta Gmbh, Energiepartnerdeutschland, e-motion e – Bike Welt Frankfurt Nord, Klumpf GmbH and Karl Dengler GmbH.

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