Hertling News-Blog

"You have to go over a thousand "steps"..."

This beautiful staircase snail makes you dizzy!

The good news: Our moving teams did not have to use the stairs for this office move for one of our regular customers, they could use freight elevators.

Phew, lucky!

The buildings in which we move do not always have elevators that can be used for the move, often only the external furniture elevator remains.

Honestly: Our HERTLING movers understandably enjoy the view of beautiful stairwells more than having to use them step by step.

After all, enough is carried with every move, even with a lift.

Do you also have great pictures of staircases?

We look forward to your submission and will choose and award the most beautiful picture.

We wish you all a great weekend!

And we wish our boys, who are doing moves this Saturday, a clean move!

If you do not want to carry out your move yourself over a thousand steps, then the following information could be of interest to you:

"You have to go over a thousand "steps"..."